The first option at the bottom of the page is the CPU and is on all Pinnacle 20|20 dryers. The CPU allows up to 14 digital inputs, 10 digital outputs, 2 analog inputs and 2 analog outputs.
14 Digital Inputs
Safety Control Relay
When shown in green, the Safety Control Relay is satisfied.
Fan Motor Overload(s) Fault
When shown in green, there are no Fan Motor Overload Faults present.
Takeaway Equipment Status
When shown in green, Takeaway Equipment Status is ready to be started.
Fill Equipment Status
When shown in green, Fill Equipment Status is ready to be started.
Fill Level Signal
When shown in green, there is currently a call for grain.
Proximity Switch
When this blinks green, the proximity switch is sensing the metering target.
When this shows green, all dryer E-Stops are reset. If shown in white, 1 or more dryer E-Stops are depressed and need to be reset.
Customer E-Stop (C5 & C6)
When this shows green, all E-Stops associated with auxiliary equipment are reset. If shown in white, 1 or more E-Stops associated with auxiliary equipment are depressed and need to be reset.
Takeaway Overflow
When shown in green, the takeaway switch does not sense grain backup. If shown in white, grain is causing a backup that the switch detected and the situation should be addressed.
Linear Limits Fault
When shown in green, there are no excessively high temperatures being detected by the Linear Limits. When shown in white, the Linear Limits sense an excessive temperature condition that needs to be addressed.
Plenum Door(s)
When shown in green, the plenum door switches detect the plenum doors are closed. When shown in white, 1 or more plenum doors are open.
High Gas Pressure Fault
When shown in green, there is no high gas pressure situation being detected. If shown in white, a high gas pressure situation is being detected.
Low Gas Pressure Fault
When shown in green, there is no low gas pressure situation being detected. If shown in white, a low gas pressure situation is being detected.
Auxiliary Contactors
Green indicates that the start contactors A and B are turned ON. White means they are OFF.
10 Digital Outputs
Fill 1 Equipment On
When shown in green, equipment tied to F3-F4 will run.
Fill 2 Equipment On
When shown in green, equipment tied to F5-F6 will run.
Run Takeaway 1
When shown in green, equipment tied to T3-T4 will run.
Run Takeaway 2
When shown in green, equipment tied to T5-T6 will run
Prime Gas Supply
When shown in green it is commanding the supply gas solenoid to momentarily open to pressurize the gas train to satisfy the low gas pressure requirement.
Control Power On
When shown in green, the Control Power is on.
Reset Safety Relay
Momentary pulse to reset and latch the safety relay
Turns green for 15 seconds when a command is sent to start auxiliary tri-start equipment.
Run Sampler
Command to run discharge sampling motor.
2 Analog Inputs
Mid-Grain #1 Temp
This is an analog signal that displays the mid-grain temperature being measured at mid-grain probe #1.
Mid-Grain #2 Temp
This is an analog signal that displays the mid-grain temperature being measured at mid-grain probe #2.
2 Analog Outputs
Burner #1 Output
This is an analog output used to control the opening of the gas control valve for burner #1.
Burner #2 Output
This is an analog output used to control the opening of the gas control valve for burner #2.