Fan Settings
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The first of the six options under System Settings is Fan Settings. By selecting the Fan Settings option, the operator will be taken to a page dedicated to all settings pertaining to the fans.
Regardless of dryer model, this page will have a section containing the Fan Control buttons and another section containing Cool Down and Takeaway timers. The Tower, ECO, and Delta Fan Settings page also contain quick launch buttons at the bottom for specific components that relate in some way to the fans. This is common on many pages of the Pinnacle 20|20 control. If space allows, there will be quick launches for components that are related to the features on that particular page. Since space is lacking on the Legacy and Fusion Fan Settings page, those quick launches are not present at the bottom.
On the Fan Settings page are the buttons used to stop and start the fans. The functionality of these buttons is the exact same as the Fan Control buttons on the Control page which was discussed in previously. In addition to the control buttons, there are Air Pressure indicator lights. The Air Pressure indicator light will appear gray when the air pressure switch is not satisfied. However, when the air pressure switch senses enough air pressure to satisfy the switch, the indicator light will illuminate green to confirm this scenario.
On the Fan Settings page, there is a timer associated with the Fan(s) and it is called the Cool Down Timer.
The Cool Down Timer is an adjustable timer that determines the length of time that the dryer will be placed in Cool Down mode following a type-B fault. When activated, the numbers in green font, under "Actual", will countdown until the timer expires. During this time, the fans will continue to run but burners and other equipment will stop. After the time has elapsed, the dryer will shut down.
The Takeaway Timer is an adjustable timer that determines the length of time the takeaway equipment will continue to run after the metering stops. This timer allows the takeaway equipment to empty when conditions allow. If the cause for the shutdown is related to the takeaway equipment, this timer is bypassed.