Moisture Sensor Settings
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The fourth of the six options under System Settings is Moisture Sensor Settings. This page contains all settings pertaining to the Moisture Sensors. It is here where the Moisture Sensors can be calibrated as well.
The Moisture Sensor Settings page is separated into two halves. The top half is dedicated to the inlet moisture sensor while the bottom half is dedicated to the outlet moisture sensor. If the dryer is not equipped with one or more of these sensors, the displayed values will simply be grayed out and read "N/A".
The Pinnacle 20|20 control can be set up to alert the operator, or even further, shut the dryer down when grain moisture, detected by the moisture sensors, reach pre-set alarm limits. There are two types of limits: high limits and low limits. There are also two types of alarms: warning alarms and critical alarms. If a warning alarm limit is exceeded, the control will trigger a warning message to be displayed on the HMI screens. If that particular reading continues further off course and exceeds the critical alarm limit, the dryer will shutdown and a critical alarm message will appear on the HMI screens.
Each sensor has it's own table of moisture alarm settings. The Inlet Moisture Alarms table is located at the top, left side of the Moisture Sensor Settings page while the Outlet Moisture Alarms table is located at the bottom, left side of the same page. The adjustable limits are shown in black text, in white boxes. The high limits are at the top of the table while the low limits are at the bottom of the table. Reference the labels to the right of the adjustable limits to decipher between a critical limit and a warning limit. In between the adjustable warning values is the actual grain moisture being read by the moisture sensor.
If the Current Moisture exceeds the value entered for the High Moisture Critical value, the dryer will shut down. The input value for this High Moisture Critical alarm must be equal to or greater than the value entered for the High Moisture Warning value. To expand the allowable input range for the High Moisture Critical value, the High Moisture Warning value may first need to be adjusted.
If the Current Moisture exceeds the value entered for the High Moisture Warning value, the control will display a High Moisture warning message. The input value for this High Moisture Warning alarm must be equal to or less than the value entered for the High Moisture Critical value. The lowest value allowed for this warning is equal to the Low Moisture Warning value. To expand the allowable input range for the High Moisture Warning value, the High Moisture Critical and Low Moisture Warning values may first need to be adjusted.
This value is the real time grain moisture value being read by the moisture sensor.
If the Current Moisture falls below the value entered for the Low Moisture Warning, the control will display a Low Moisture warning message. The input value for this Low Moisture Warning alarm must be equal to or less than the value entered for the High Moisture Warning value. The lowest value allowed for this warning is equal to the Low Moisture Critical value. To expand the allowable input range for the Low Moisture Warning value, the High Moisture Warning and Low Moisture Critical values may first need to be adjusted.
If the Current Moisture falls below the value entered for the Low Moisture Critical, the dryer will shut down. The input value for this Low Moisture Critical alarm must be equal to or lower than the value entered for the Low Moisture Warning value. To expand the allowable input range for the Low Moisture Critical value, the Low Moisture Warning value may first need to be adjusted.
The Pinnacle 20|20 control can also be set up to alert the operator or even shut the dryer down when grain temperatures, detected by the moisture sensors, reach pre-set alarm limits. As previously mentioned, there are high and low limits and there are critical and warning alarms.
Each sensor has it's own table of temperature alarm settings. The Inlet Temperature Alarms table is located at the top, right side of the Moisture Sensor Settings page while the Outlet Temperature Alarms table is located at the bottom, right side of the same page. The adjustable limits are shown in black text, in white boxes. The high limits are at the top of the table while the low limits are at the bottom of the table. Reference the labels to the right of the adjustable limit to decipher between a critical limit and a warning limit. In between the adjustable warning values is the actual grain temperature being read by the moisture sensor.
If the Current Temp exceeds the value entered for the High Temp Critical value, the dryer will shut down. The input value for this High Temp Critical alarm must be equal to or greater than the value entered for the High Temp Warning value. To expand the allowable input range for the High Temp Critical value, the High Temp Warning value may first need to be adjusted.
If the Current Temp exceeds the value entered for the High Temp Warning value, the control will display a High Temp warning message. The input value for this High Temp Warning alarm must be equal to or less than the value entered for the High Temp Critical value. The lowest value allowed for this warning is equal to the Low Temp Warning value. To expand the allowable input range for the High Temp Warning value, the High Temp Critical and Low Temp Warning values may first need to be adjusted. Current Temp This value is the real time grain Temp value being read by the Moisture sensor.
This value is the real time grain Temp value being read by the Moisture sensor.
If the Current Temp falls below the value entered for the Low Temp Warning, the control will display a Low Temp warning message. The input value for this Low Temp Warning alarm must be equal to or less than the value entered for the High Temp Warning value. The lowest value allowed for this warning is equal to the Low Temp Critical value. To expand the allowable input range for the Low Temp Warning value, the High Temp Warning and Low Temp Critical values may first need to be adjusted.
If the Current Temp falls below the value entered for the Low Temp Critical, the dryer will shut down. The input value for this Low Temp Critical alarm must be equal to or lower than the value entered for the Low Temp Warning value. To expand the allowable input range for the Low Temp Critical value, the Low Temp Warning value may first need to be adjusted.
The sensor calibration procedure varies slightly between AccuDry equipped and non-AccuDry dryers. Below are the procedures for both variations.
To calibrate the Inlet moisture sensor, press the “Start Calibration” button to the left of the Inlet Sensor Calibration tile. This will prompt the system to measure the grain moisture for 30 seconds, which will be indicated by the "Wait" indicator blinking green. Meanwhile, obtain a lab measurement of current Inlet grain. When the “Ready” button illuminates green, enter the lab measured values in the white box labeled “Lab Measured Moisture”. Once entered, press “Confirm Calibration” to complete the calibration process. When the “Start Calibration” button is pressed, the text for this button will change to “Cancel Calibration”, allowing the operator to cancel the calibration if desired. Note that the calibration process allows for a maximum of 0.5% change per calibration. If the sensor is off by 2%, the sensor will need to be calibrated 4 times.
To calibrate the outlet moisture sensor, press the “Start Calibration” button, to the left of the Outlet Sensor Calibration box. This will prompt the system to measure the grain moisture for 30 seconds, which will be indicated by the "Wait" indicator blinking green. Meanwhile, obtain a lab measurement of current Outlet grain. When the “Ready” button illuminates green, enter the lab measured values in the white box labeled “Lab Measured Moisture”. Once entered, press “Confirm Calibration” to complete the calibration process. When the “Start Calibration” button is pressed, the text for this button will change to “Cancel Calibration”, allowing the operator to cancel the calibration if desired. Note that the calibration process allows for a maximum of 0.5% change per calibration. If the sensor is off by 2%, the sensor will need to be calibrated 4 times.
To calibrate the Inlet moisture sensor for a non-AccuDry dryer, obtain a lab measurement of current Inlet grain. Press the white box labeled “Lab Measured Moisture” and enter the recently obtained lab measured value. Press the Calibrate button to calibrate or the Cancel button to cancel the calibration. Note that the calibration process allows for a maximum of 0.5% change per calibration. If the sensor is off by 2%, the sensor will need to be calibrated 4 times.
To calibrate the Outlet moisture sensor for a non-AccuDry dryer, obtain a lab measurement of current Outlet grain. Press the white box labeled “Lab Measured Moisture” and enter the recently obtained lab measured value. Press the Calibrate button to calibrate or the Cancel button to cancel the calibration. Note that the calibration process allows for a maximum of 0.5% change per calibration. If the sensor is off by 2%, the sensor will need to be calibrated 4 times.