Overview Page
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The Overview page is the second page of the three Operation pages. The Overview page provides the operator with a full rendering of the dryer that, with the use of different graphics, illustrates what components of the dryer are operating. The Overview page is unique to match the particular dryer that is loaded on the Pinnacle 20|20. The images below show the different Overview pages for a Legacy, Tower, ECO, and Delta dryer. In the Overview pages, shown below, none of the dryer components (motors, burners, etc.) are running.
The Overview page will change when different operations/features are running or turned off. The different graphics and their meaning are as follows:
Indicate a fan is running.
Indicate a fan and burner are both running.
Only shown on tower dryers to further indicate the burner is on.
Indicate a cooling plenum with the fan running.
Indicate a heating plenum with the fan running and the burner on.
Only shown on tower dryers to indicate the sweep is turning.
Only shown on profile and mixed flow dryers to indicate the metering rolls are turning.
The fill is on.
Level auger is running.
Air pressure switch is satisfied.
Air pressure switch is not satisfied.
In addition to these graphics, there are lines shown leading to the hopper and from the discharge. The line leading to the hopper contains two tags: Fill 1 and Fill 2. When the line is white, the fill cycle is off.
When the line is green, the fill cycle is on. When any of the tags blink, that particular part of the fill cycle is running. So while the Fill 1 or Fill 2 tags are green, but not blinking, it means it's enabled but currently not running. Only when it blinks does it mean that that particular portion, the Fill 1 or Fill 2, of the fill cycle is actually running. It is the same for the line exiting the discharge. When this line is white, it means the discharge is off. When the line is green, it means the discharge is on. A blinking Takeaway 1 or Takeaway 2 tag indicates that the Takeaway 1 or Takeaway 2, whichever is blinking, is currently running. A solid green Takeaway 1 or Takeaway 2 tag simply means it is enabled but not currently running.
The Overview page also contains information on the real-time plenum temperature, discharge speed, and if equipped, the values from the inlet and outlet sensors. The values in green text are the actual values being read. The values shown in a white box with black text are desired or "Set" values that can be changed by the operator. The ability to adjust the "Set" values associated with Mid-Grain Temp, Discharge Speed, and Outlet Sensor Moisture is dependent on the selected discharge mode. If Manual mode is selected, the Discharge Speed "Set" value will be able to be adjusted. If TruDry is selected, the Mid-Grain Temp "Set" value will be able to be adjusted. Finally, if AccuDry is selected, the Outlet Sensor "Set Moist" value, which is the desired outlet grain moisture, will be able to be adjusted. One value that can always be adjusted, regardless of selected discharge mode, is the plenum temperature(s).