AccuDry technology utilizes the Dryer Moisture Systems Dryer Master DM510 system. The DM510 system uses specially designed in-line moisture and temperature sensors located at both the infeed and discharge of the dryer. These sensors provide continuous moisture and temperature readings to the PLC, which is shared with the DM510 logic board.
The DM510 board uses this information to build an operating model of your dryer. As infeed moistures and drying conditions change throughout the day; AccuDry continuously calculates and automatically adjusts to the optimum discharge rate for current conditions.
AccuDry has two important advantages. First, in automatic mode, it can continually watch the dryer. It does not have to help unload trucks, load trains, or do any other jobs around the elevator that a normal dryer operator does throughout the day. The dryer receives the user's full attention.
Second, it has the benefit of continuous moisture information from both the infeed and discharge of the dryer, giving it a complete picture of all the grain in the dryer, and the grain exiting the dryer.
With this information, AccuDry does not have to wait to react to changes in the outlet moisture. It is able to adjust the discharge rate as the incoming moisture changes. For example, as wetter grain comes into the dryer, AccuDry begins to slow down the discharge rate just as the wetter grain reaches the hot zone.