Setting Discharge Speed Operational Limits

From any of these discharge settings pages (Manual, TruDry, or AccuDry Settings pages), in the Disch Speed tile, the operator can set operational limits that pertain to the discharge speed. The two operational limits the operator can set are the max and min speeds the discharge can run at. With the operational limits in place, the user will not be able to enter a speed in the Set Discharge Speed box of the Manual Settings page that exceeds these limits.

Setting Discharge Speed Alarm Limits

Again, from any of these discharge settings pages, under Disch Speed Alarms, the operator can set alarm limits that pertain to the discharge speed. There are two types limits: high limits and low limits. There also two types of alarms: warning alarms and critical alarms. If a warning alarm limit is exceeded, the control will trigger a warning message to be displayed on the HMI screens. If that particular reading continues further off course and exceeds the critical alarm limit, the dryer will shutdown and a critical alarm message will appear on the HMI screens.

High Speed Critical

If the Current Speed exceeds the value entered for the High Speed Critical value, the dryer will shut down. The input value for this High Speed Critical alarm must be equal to or greater than the value entered for the High Speed Warning value. To expand the allowable input range for the High Speed Critical value, the High Speed Warning value may first need to be adjusted.

High Speed Warning

If the Current Speed exceeds the value entered for the High Speed Warning value, the control will display a High Speed warning message. The input value for this High Speed Warning alarm must be equal to or less than the value entered for the High Speed Critical value. The lowest value allowed for this warning is equal to the Low Speed Warning value. To expand the allowable input range for the High Speed Warning value, the High Speed Critical and Low Speed Warning values may first need to be adjusted.

Current Speed

This value is the real time metering speed of the discharge system.

Low Speed Warning

If the Current Speed falls below the value entered for the Low Speed Warning, the control will display a Low Speed warning message. The input value for this Low Speed Warning alarm must be equal to or less than the value entered for the High Speed Warning value. The lowest value allowed for this warning is equal to the Low Speed Critical value. To expand the allowable input range for the Low Speed Warning value, the High Speed Warning and Low Speed Critical values may first need to be adjusted.

Low Speed Critical

If the Current Speed falls below the value entered for the Low Speed Critical, the dryer will shut down. The input value for this Low Speed Critical alarm must be equal to or lower than the value entered for the Low Speed Warning value. To expand the allowable input range for the Low Speed Critical value, the Low Speed Warning value may first need to be adjusted.