AccuDry Technology

The AccuDry mode of operation utilizes input signals from both the discharge moisture sensor and the infeed moisture sensor to control the dryer's discharge rate. When the AccuDry mode of operation is available, it will display it's corresponding toggle button under the TruDry button. Also, when on the AccuDry Settings page, an input will be made available which allows the operator to enter the target discharge moisture setpoint.

When running in AccuDry, similar to the guidelines that were provided for TruDry, the minimum and maximum discharge speed Operational Limits are important to the controller's operation. The AccuDry control algorithm will attempt to speed up and slow down the discharge to maintain the discharge moisture setpoint, and the amount of room that the controller has to work with is determined by the minimum and maximum speed setpoints. For example if the min/max speed setpoints are 10% - 100%, the range of speed output from the controller will be higher, which means the rate at which the speed changes will be higher. On the other hand, if the min/max setpoints are 30% - 75%, the controller can only operate within that band and only has a range of 45% to work with.

Similar to how the mid-grain temperature setpoint (used in TruDry) can be changed while in manual mode, so too can the discharge moisture setpoint (used in AccuDry) be changed while in manual mode. The only limitation is that the operator cannot change the discharge speed setpoint when running in TruDry or AccuDry.

In order to effectively use the AccuDry mode of operation, it is important to allow the dryer to get to a steady state operating condition for 2-3 hours upon initial installation (depending on the size of the machine and the incoming grain moisture) with a desirable and consistent discharge moisture output. Once this steady state condition has been met, the operator will confirm the discharge moisture setpoint that is desired and make any required changes. Also, be sure the minimum and maximum discharge speed Operational Limits are set to an accurate band.

The AccuDry system will remember grain moistures upon startup from the previous shutdown. For example, if the dryer was discharging 15.5% moisture the night prior, and start up with 15.4% the following morning, the system will allow quick entry into AccuDry mode.

If the discharge moisture is significantly different from the previous operations moisture, the system will not enable AccuDry until it has gathered sufficient information to run correctly and efficiently.

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