Manual Settings Overview
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Regardless of which discharge mode settings page is displayed, the operator can change the discharge mode from any one of them. However, it is important to understand that in order to change discharge modes, the operator must be in Manual mode first before changing to any of the other available modes. For instance, if the dryer is currently discharging in AccuDry mode and the operator wants to change to TruDry mode, the operator must first select Manual mode, and then select TruDry mode.
In addition to being able to select the mode of discharge from any of these pages, the Manual, TruDry and AccuDry Settings pages also all contain the same information for the following tiles: Disch Speed, Disch Speed Alarms, and Mid-Grain Temperature Alarms.
When discharging in Manual mode, the operator controls the speed at which the grain discharges at. This adjustable value is under the Manual Settings tile, next to the Set Discharge Speed, input box.