Variable Frequency Drives
Fault Code Description
Listed below are the fault codes and associated descriptions of the faults. Also provided are a list of actions to help resolve the issues.
Code 0001: OVERCURRENT (2310)
Output current has exceeded trip level.
Sudden load change or stall.
Check motor load and mechanics.
Insufficient acceleration time.
Check acceleration time (2202 and 2205). Check the possibility of using vector control.
Incorrect motor data.
Check that motor data (Group 99) is equal to motor rating plate values. If using vector control, perform ID run (9910).
Code 0002: DC OVERVOLT (3210)
Excessive intermediate circuit DC voltage. DC overvoltage trip limit is 420 V for 200 V drives and 840 V for 400 V drives.
Supply voltage is too high or noisy.
Static or transient overvoltage in the input power supply.
Check input voltage level and check power line for static or transient overvoltage.
If the drive is used in a floating network, DC overvoltage fault may appear
In a floating network, remove the EMC screw from the drive.
If the overvoltage fault appears during deceleration, possible causes are:
Overvoltage controller disabled.
Deceleration time is too short.
Faulty or undersized braking chopper.
Check that overvoltage controller is on (parameter 2005 OVERVOLT CTRL).
Check deceleration time (2203, 2206).
Check brake chopper and resistor (if used). DC overvoltage control must be deactivated when brake chopper and resistor is used (parameter 2005 OVERVOLT CTRL). Retrofit drive with brake chopper and brake resistor.
Code 0003: DEV OVERTEMP (4210)
Drive IGBT temperature is excessive. The fault trip limit depends on the drive type and size.
Ambient temperature is too high.
Check ambient conditions.
Airflow though the inverter is not free.
Check air flow and free space above and below the drive.
Fan is not working properly.
Check fan operation.
Overloading of the drive.
50% overload is allowed for one minute in ten minutes. If higher switching frequency (parameter 2606) is used.
Code 0004: SHORT CIRC (2340)
Short-circuit in motor cable(s) or motor.
Damaged motor or motor cable.
Check motor and cable insulation.
Check motor winding.
Internal fault of the drive. Drive gives an overcurrent fault after start command even when the motor is not connected (use scalar control in this trial).
Replace the drive.
Code 0006: DC UNDERVOLT (3220)
Missing input power line phase.
Measure the input and DC voltage during start, stop and running by using a multimeter or check parameter 0107 DC BUS VOLTAGE.
Blown fuse.
Rectifier bridge internal fault.
Code 0007: AI1 LOSS (8110) (programmable fault function 3001, 3021)
Analog input AI1 signal has fallen below limit defined by parameter 3021 AI1 FAULT LIMIT.
Analog input signal is weak or does not exist.
Check the source and wire connections of the analog input.
Analog input signal is lower than fault limit.
Check parameters 3001 AI<MIN FUNCTION and 3021 AI1 FAULT LIMIT.
Code 0008: AI2 LOSS (8110) (programmable fault function 3001, 3022)
Analog input AI1 signal has fallen below limit defined by parameter 3022 AI2 FAULT LIMIT.
Analog input signal is weak or does not exist.
Check the source and wire connections of the analog input.
Analog input signal is lower than fault limit.
Check parameters 3001 AI<MIN FUNCTION and 3021 AI1 FAULT LIMIT.
Code 0009: MOT OVERTEMP (4310) (programmable fault function 3005...3009/3504)
Motor temperature estimation is too high.
Excessive load or insufficient motor power.
Check motor ratings, load and cooling.
Incorrect start-up data.
Check start-up data.
Check fault function parameters 3005...3009.
Minimize IR compensation to avoid heating (parameter 2603 IR COMP VOLT).
Check frequency of the motor (low running frequency of motor with high input current can cause this fault).
Let the motor cool down. The necessary cooling time period depends on the value of parameter 3006 MOT THERM TIME. Motor temperature estimation is counted down only when the drive is powered on.
Check value of fault limit.
Check that actual number of sensors corresponds to value set by parameter 3501 SENSOR TYPE.
Let the motor cool down.
Ensure proper motor cooling: Check the cooling fan, clean cooling surfaces etc.
Code 0010: PANEL LOSS (5300) (programmable fault function 3002)
Control panel selected as active control location for drive has ceased communicating
Check panel connection.
Check fault function parameters.
Check parameter 3002 PANEL COMM ERR.
Check control panel connector.
Refit control panel in mounting platform.
If the drive is in external control mode (REM) and is set to accept start/stop, direction command or references through control panel:
Check group 10 START/STOP/D
Code 0011: ID RUN FAIL (FF84)
Motor ID run is not completed successfully.
Check motor connection.
Check start-up data (group 99 START-UP DATA).
Check maximum speed (parameter 2002).
It should be at least 80% of motor nominal speed (parameter 9908).
Code 0012: MOTOR STALL (7121) (programmable fault function 3010...3012)
Motor is operating in stall region due to eg excessive load or insufficient motor power.
Check motor load and drive ratings.
Check fault function parameters 3010...3012.
Code 0014: EXT FAULT 1 (9000) (programmable fault function 3003)
External fault 1
Check external devices for faults.
Check parameter 3003 EXTERNAL FAULT 1 setting.
Code 0015: EXT FAULT 2 (9001) (programmable fault function 3004)
External fault 2
Check external devices for faults.
Check parameter 3004 EXTERNAL FAULT 2 setting.
Code 0016: EXT FAULT 2 (2330) (programmable fault function 3017)
Drive has detected earth (ground) fault in motor or motor cable.
Check motor.
Check motor cable. Motor cable length must not exceed maximum specifications.
Disabling earth fault (ground fault) may damage drive.
Drive internal fault.
Internal short-circuit may cause earth fault indication.
This has happened if fault 0001 appears after disabling the earth fault.
Replace the drive.
Code 0017: UNDERLOAD (FF6A) (programmable fault function 3013...3015)
Motor load is too low due to release mechanism in driven equipment.
Check for problem in driven equipment. Check fault function parameters 3010...3012.
Check motor power against drive power.
Code 0018: THERM FAIL (5210)
Temperature of the drive exceeds the operating level of the thermistor.
Check that the ambient temperature is not too low.
Drive internal fault. Thermistor used for drive internal temperature measurement is open or short-circuited.
Replace the drive.
Code 0021: CURR MEAS (2211)
Drive internal fault. Current measurement is out of range.
Replace the drive.
Code 0022: SUPPLY PHASE (3130) (programmable fault function 3016)
Intermediate circuit DC voltage is oscillating due to missing input power line phase or blown fuse.
Check input power line fuses and installation.
Check for input power supply imbalance.
Check the load.
Trip occurs when DC voltage ripple exceeds 14% of nominal DC voltage.
Check fault function parameter 2619 DC STABILIZER.
Code 0023: ENCODER ERR (7301) 5003
Communication fault between pulse encoder and pulse encoder interface module or between module and drive.
Check pulse encoder and its wiring, pulse encoder interface module and its wiring and parameter group 50 ENCODER settings.
Code 0024: OVERSPEED (7310) 0306 bit 7
Motor is turning faster than 120% of he highest allowed speed due to incorrectly set minimum/maximum speed, insufficient barking torque or changes in load when using torque reference. Operating range limits are set by parameters 2001 MINIMUM SPEED and 2002 MAIXIMUM SPEED (in vector control) or 2007 MINIMUM FREQ and 2008 MAXIMUM FREQ (in scalar control)
Check minimum/maximum frequency setting (parameters 2001 MINIMUM SPEED and 2002 MAXIMUM SPEED).
Check adequacy of motor braking torque.
Check applicability of torque control.
Check need for brake chopper and resistor(s).
Code 0027: CONFIG FILE (630F)
Internal configuration file error
Replace the drive.
Code 0028: SERIAL 1 ERR (7510) (programmable fault function 3018, 3019)
Fieldbus communication break
Check status of fieldbus communication.
Check fault function parameter 3018 COMM FAULT FUNC and 3019 COMM FAULT TIME settings.
Check connections and/or noise on the line.
Check if master can communicate.
Code 0029: EFB CON FILE (6306) (programmable fault function 3018, 3019)
Configuration file reading error
Error in reading the configuration files of the embedded fieldbus.
See fieldbus user's manual.
Code 0030: FORCE TRIP (FF90)
Trip command received from fieldbus
Fault trip was caused by fieldbus.
See fieldbus user's manual.
Code 0034: MOTOR PHASE (FF56)
Motor circuit fault due to missing motor phase or motor thermistor relay (used in motor temperature measurement) fault.
Check motor and motor cables.
Check motor thermistor relay (if used).
Code 0035: OUTP WIRING (FF95)
Incorrect input power and motor cable connection (ie input power cable is connected to drive motor connection).
Possible power wiring error detected.
Check that input power connections are not connected to drive output.
Fault can be declared if input power is delta grounded system and motor cable capacitance is large.
This fault can be disabled by parameter 3023 WIRING FAULT.
Code 0036: INCOMPATIBLE SW (630F)
Loaded software is not compatible.
Loaded software is not compatible with the drive.
Contact your local ABB representative.
Code 0037: CB OVERTEMP (4110)
Drive control board overheated. Fault trip limit is 95 degrees C.
Check for excessive ambient temperature.
Check for fan failure.
Check for obstructions in air flow.
Check the dimensioning and cooling of cabinet.
STO (Safe torque off) requested and it functions correctly.
Parameter 3025 STO OPERATION is set to react with fault.
If this is not expected reaction to safety circuit interruptions, check cabling of safety circuit connected to STO terminals X1C.
If different reaction is required, change value of parameter 3025 STO OPERATION. Reset fault before starting.
Code 0045: STO1 LOST (FFA1)
STO (Safe torque off) input channel 1 has not de-energized, but channel 2 has.
Opening contacts on channel 1 might have been damaged or there is a short-circuit.
Check STO circuit cabling and opening of contracts in STO circuit.
Code 0046: STO2 LOST (FFA2)
STO (Safe torque off) input channel 2 has not de-energized, but channel 1 has.
Opening contacts on channel 2 might have been damaged or there is a short-circuit.
Check STO circuit cabling and opening of contacts in STO circuit.
Code 0101: SERF CORRUPT (FF55)
Drive internal error.
Replace the drive.
Code 0103: SERF MACRO (FF55)
Drive internal error.
Replace the drive.
Code 0201: DSP T1 OVERLOAD (6100)
Drive internal error.
If fieldbus is in use, check the communication, settings and contacts.
Write down fault code and contact your local ABB representative.
Code 0202: DSP T2 OVERLOAD (6100)
Drive internal error.
If fieldbus is in use, check the communication, settings and contacts.
Write down fault code and contact your local ABB representative.
Code 0203: DSP T3 OVERLOAD (6100)
Drive internal error.
If fieldbus is in use, check the communication, settings and contacts.
Write down fault code and contact your local ABB representative.
Code 0204: DSP STACK ERROR (6100)
Drive internal error.
If fieldbus is in use, check the communication, settings and contacts.
Write down fault code and contact your local ABB representative.
Code 1000: PAR HZRPM (6320)
Incorrect speed/frequency limit parameter setting.
Check parameter settings. Check that following applies:
Code 1003: PAR AI SCALE (6320)
Incorrect analog input AI signal scaling.
Check parameter group 13 ANALOG INPUTS settings. Check that following applies:
Code 1004: PAR AO SCALE (6320)
Incorrect analog output AO signal scaling.
Check parameter group 15 ANALOG OUTPUTS settings. Check that following applies:
1504 MINIMUM AO1 < 1505 MAXIMUM AO1.
Code 1005: PAR PCU 2 (6320)
Incorrect motor nominal power setting.
Check parameter 9909 MOTOR NOM POWER setting. Following must apply:
1.1 < (9906 MOTOR NOM CURR - 9905 MOTOR NOM VOLT 1.73 / PN) < 3.0
Where PN = 1000 - 9909 MOTOR NOM POWER (if units are in kW)
or PN = 746 - 9909 MOTOR NOM POWER (if units are in hp).
Code 1006: PAR EXT RO (6320) (programmable fault function 3027)
Incorrect relay output extension parameters.
Check parameter settings. Check that following applies:
Output relay module MREL-01 is connect to drive. See parameter 0181 EXT MODULE STATUS.
1402 RELAY OUTPUT 2, 1403 RELAY OUTPUT 3 and 1410 RELAY OUTPUT 4 have non-zero values.
See MREL-01 output relay module user's manual (3AUA0000035974 [English]).
Code 1007: PAR FBUSMISS (6320)
Fieldbus control has not been activated.
Check field bus parameter settings.
Code 1009: PAR PCU 1 (6320)
Incorrect motor nominal speed/frequency setting.
Check parameter settings. Following must apply for induction motor:
1 < (60 - 9907 MOTOR NOM FREQ / 9908 MOTOR NOM SPEED) < 16
0.8 < 9908 MOTOR NOM SPEED / (120 - 9907 MOTOR NOM FREQ / Motor poles) < 0.992
Following must apply for permanent magnet synchronous motor:
9908 MOTOR NOM SPEED / (120 - 9907 MOTOR NOM FREQ / Motor poles) = 1.0
Code 1015: PAR USER U/F (6320)
Incorrect voltage to frequency (U/f) ratio voltage setting.
Check parameter 2610 USER DEFINED U1...2617 USER DEFINED F4 settings.
Code 1017: PAR SETUP 1 (6320)
Only two of the following can be used simultaneously: MTAC-01 pulse encoder interface module, frequency input signal or frequency output signal.
Disable frequency output, frequency input or encoder:
Change transistor output to digital mode (value of parameter 1804 TO MODE = 0 [DIGITAL]), or
Change frequency input selection to other value in parameter groups 11 REFERENCE SELECT, 40 PROCESS PID SET 1, 41 PROCESS PID SET 2 and 42 EXT / TRIM PID, or
Disable (parameter 5002 ENCODER ENABLE) and remove MTAC-01 pulse encoder interface module.
Last updated