Diagnosing Safety Circuit via HMI

Before diagnosing the Safety Circuit, it is recommended to have a good understanding of the Pinnacle 20|20 Control.

The Pinnacle 20|20 Control features a tab on the home page titled Troubleshooting. Pressing this tab populates different options. One of these options is the Safety Circuit tab. Pressing the Safety Circuit tab will bring up a page that visually illustrates the Safety Circuit and all associated components. To troubleshoot the disruption of the Safety Circuit, look for the component on the page that has a grayed out globe next to it as opposed to a green globe. Green globes indicate that the component and that particular part of the Safety Circuit is good. A grayed out globe indicates that the break in the Safety Circuit is associated with that particular component.

One thing to note is that the High Limits and Motor Overloads are wired in series respectively. Meaning, if one of the High Limits or Motor Overloads are tripped, all the High Limits or Motor Overloads proceeding the tripped one will appear on the Safety Circuit screen tripped as well. So the first High Limit or Motor Overload that appears with the grayed out globe should be addressed first as it is very likely that once addressed, all that follow may be good as well.

For more information on diagnosing the Safety Circuit via the HMI, refer to the documentation on the Pinnacle 20|20 control system.

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