In the event that your dryer comes equipped with a soft starter and you run into an error code, listed below are the display faults that will show up on the main display. Provided below are the error codes and associated recovery suggestions.
Fault in software.
Disconnect and reconnect the control supply voltage (Us) and make a restart. See chapter 5.2.4.
If same fault remains, contact your ABB Sales Office.
PSE parameter fault.
Check parameter PSE and select correct setting corresponding to the type of PSE Soft starter.
By-pass relays closed after transport, (PSE18...PSE170 only)
Switch off operational voltage and control supply voltage.
Switch on voltage in correct succession.
Control supply voltage on terminals 1 and 2.
Wait 4 seconds and then switching on operational voltage on terminals L1, L2 and L3.
The by-pass contractor's/relays are not opening
Check and replace relay.
Contact your ABB Sales Office for replacement kit.
Thyristors short circuit.
Check and replace thyristor.
Contact your ABB Sales Office for replacement kit.
Power loss on control supply circuit.
Check control supply voltage.
By-pass relays/contractor's open or by-pass relays/contractor's do not close.
Check and replace by-pass relay/contactor.
Contact your ABB Sales Office for replacement kit.
Thyristors overheated. If the fault remains after reset, the hear sink temperature is too high.
Check that the fans are working in a proper way. See chapter 9.1.
Check that the cooling airways are free from dirt and dust. See chapter 9.1.
Check that the ambient temperature is not too high. Derating is required above 40 degrees C (104 degrees F). See chapter 3.6.
Check that the mounting angle is not more than 30 degrees. See chapter 4.2.4.
Check that PSE Soft starter is not too small for the number of starts and stops performed each hour.
Fuse blown.
Check and replace fuses in all three phases.
Power loss on operational current on one or several phases.
Check and correct supplying operational network.
The main contactor or circuit breaker is open.
Check and close contractor/breaker or any external switching device.
Main contactor opens too quickly at stop.
Control main contactor with Run signal relay on terminal 4. See chapter
Add a time relay before contractor opening
If Stop Ramp is not needed, set Stop Ramp Time to 0.
Excessive disturbances in the operational supplying network.
Check and correct supplying operational network.
Short power loss on all three phases in the operational network.
Check and correct supplying operational network.
Operational current too low or lost on one or several phases.
Check and correct supplying network.
Phase loss on line side or motor side.
Check and correct supplying network.
See Phase loss EF14.
Thyristors not able to conduct.
Check and replace PCB/thyristor.
Contact your ABB Sales Office for replacement kit.
The motor is too small (current is out of measuring range).
Check that the soft starter corresponds to the motor size.
Fault on fieldbus connection or FieldBusPlug accessory.
Check that the correct type of FieldBusPlug accessory is used.
Contact your ABB Sales Office.
Check that the connection of the FieldBusPlug is correct.
Check the connection of the fieldbus accessory.
Perform a reset on any active event.
Fieldbus communication is not working.
Check that the correct type of FieldBusPlug accessory is used.
Contact your ABB Sales Office.
Check that the connection of the FieldBusPlug is correct.
Check the connection of the fieldbus accessory.
Check the PLC configuration.
Possible Fieldbus fault.
PLC is not running.
Put PLC in run mode.
Check PLC configuration.
Fieldbus Control is enabled on a non-fieldbus application.
Set Fieldbus Control parameter to OFF.
The control supply voltage is too low on terminals 1 and 2.
Check and correct control supply voltage.
Short power loss on the control supply network.
Check control supply network for short interruptions.
Operational current higher than 8 x Ie.
Check if the motor is locked or running stiff.
Check the bearings in the motor and connected equipment.
Check if the load on the motor is too heavy.
Check isolation on the motor windings.
Replace the motor.
Load on motor higher than motor rating and corresponding selected EOL Class.
At Start
Check and correct the reason for the overload.
Increase Initial/End Voltage.
Check the motor rating plate for Ie.
Increase Current Limit.
Make Start Ramp Time shorter.
Too many starts and stops during a short time.
At Start
Chose a motor with more power and a softs tarter rated for higher current.
Check and correct the reason for the overload.
Check that the ramp time for start is not too long.
Check that correct EOL Class is used.
The motor has been exposed to an overload condition because the current over a certain time is too high. (The load on the motor shaft is too high).
Continuous run
Check the rating of the plate for Ie.
Check operational voltage.
Chose a motor with more power and a soft starter rated for higher current.
Check and correct the reason for the overload.
Check that correct EOL Class is used.
The motor current is below set level and time.
Check and correct the reason for the underload.
Check that the setting Ie is according to the operation conditions. See chapter 7.5.1.
Check that the Underload Protection parameter is set according to operational conditions. See chapter 7.5.10.
The motor is running stiff for some reason. A damaged bearing or a stuck load could be possible causes.
Check the bearings of the motor and load.
Decrease in operational voltage can give a higher operational current.
Check voltage.
Fault in software.
Try again.
If the same failure remains, contact your local ABB Sales Office.
No parameters stored in the PSEEK.
Load the parameters that you want to transfer from selected PSE.
If the same failure remains, contact your local ABB Sales Office.
Fault in software.
Try again.
If the same failure remains, contact your local ABB Sales Office.
Not possible to transfer parameters to PSE when it is in TOR.
Return the PSE to idle state and try again.
If the same failure remains, contact your local ABB Sales Office.